White People: Right Now We Need to Accept and Learn

In the wake of George Floyd and the protests, there’s a lot of hurting black people that are being very vocal about how white people have failed them in their lives right now.

Many of my clients are white men. I don’t know how aware they are of even the small, subconscious things that they—sorry, WE, gotta include myself—do that affect the lives of the black community negatively.

Now is not the time to ask your black friends to tell you that you’re the Exceptionally Good White Person. Now is not the time to vouch for people’s character or defend your own. Now is not the time to explain what racism is to people that are talking about their experiences with racism.

(In fact, no time is a good time for any of those.)

Now is the time for two things for us white people to do: to accept that we are not perfect, and to listen and learn from black people.

This video from Cuddlist with Quintin Xavier discusses the racism in America and how it affects and has affected the black community.

Taken from Youtube Content Description

“When Quintin isn't on set working as a producer in cable television, he moonlights as a performance coach. Whether its physical fitness, mental wellness, or creating and achieving personal and professional goals, he has developed techniques to help his clients achieve success with his unique approach and strategies.

He follows 5 guidelines:

– Never lose your sense of humor.

– Welcome failure: it’s part of your journey.

– Destroy the haters with facts, not force.

– Check your privilege at the door. Be an ally.

– Shine brighter: don’t dim the light of others.”